C# FullStack Software Developer Currently working at Finys.

I am a junior dev that completed a Full Stack C# bootcamp. Focusing on back end with skills including C#, JavaScript, React, Typescript, Angular, SQL, and many more.

It's me

My Experience

.NET Developer

I was super fortunate to be able to find a job at the beginning of 2023. Even more so that I was able to continue my learning at Finys. With an environment that pushes me every day to "Be the best me that I can be." Here I'm working on insurance software that is specially designed to meet the requirements of our clients. With a completely new stack and new technology, I'll have my work cut out for me getting caught up not just with the software and how it's deployed but also the entirety of insurance.

Technology I'm Using:

  • C# / .NET
  • JavaScript
  • SQL
  • IIS
  • MVVM

Software Engineer in Training

After working as a Business Analyst in a very technical role, I wanted to continue my knowledge for coding. Being able to code has always been a dream of mine and as luck would have it, Rocket Mortgage had a Program for just that. They would take people out of their usual roles and give them the opportunity to become a developer with the promise of a Junior Developer role at the end. However, life never turns out the way you hope. Rocket Mortgage let me finish my certificate but with the massive tech layoffs of 2022, in early December, I was let go.

I was able to amass a ton of great skills and knowledge that I would have taken me years of studying on top of my full-time responsibilities.

Here is a list of the languages/frameworks I was able to get an understanding for:

  • C# / .NET
  • JavaScript / TypeScript
  • SQL
  • Angular
  • Git/GitHub

Business Analyst

After working for Rocket's title company for a little over a year, I decided it was time for me to get back on the horse and really pursue a career in technology. Working on this specific team was a dream come true. They were not only helpful and patient with teaching me the ins and outs of BA work, but they were always trying to teach me anything related to software development. Here I achieved amazing things and am to this day surprised at how much I would be doing inside of Visual Studio with little to no knowledge of programming.

Some of my Achievements here:

  • Helped migrate our service to a Docker Container then to a Kubernetes Cluster
  • Created an extension for InRule that allowed you to export tables
  • Gave monthly presentations of the current business status to over 200 peers
  • Made constant C#/.NET changes to our Test Suite
  • Reviewed and approved a countless number of Pull Requests

Quotes I love

“If you're not doing what you love, you're wasting your time.” Unknown

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” Anthony J. D'Angelo

“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” Waldo Emerson

“Know your limits but never stop trying to exceed them.” Unknown

“Your dreams don't work unless you do.” John C. Maxwell


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